Person-Centered Language

Person Centered Language – what does that mean?

Simply put, person-centered language (or, sometimes called “person-first” language) is language that places the importance of a person before the importance of their diagnosis.

To understand what what person-centered language is, let’s first look at what it isn’t. Person-centered language is not descriptions like:

  • A diabetic
  • A homeless person
  • An addict or junkie
  • A schizophrenic
  • A mentally ill person

Person-centered language is descriptions like:

  • A person living with diabetes
  • A person experiencing homelessness
  • A person living with a substance use disorder
  • A person living with schitzophrenia
  • A person living with a mental health problem

Why does this matter?

Identity is important to everyone. One of the most common things heard from individuals accessing mental health services is the desire to be treated as more than their diagnosis. By using person-centered language, you can take the first step in showing a person their whole identify matters.

What can I do?

Be mindful of where the word “person” is in the language you use to describe people. However, don’t be hard on yourself if it takes a while to change your vocabulary! It takes time.

You also might hear people who don’t use person-centered language about themselves. That’s okay – that’s their choice. However, you can still use person-centered language around them.